本文讨论了具有简单结构磁层顶中的低混杂漂移不稳定性,假定在磁层顶中磁场方向是相互平行的,电子与离子的密度处处相等,总压力为一常数,采用1971年Alpers建立的分布函数做为零级分布,计算了下混杂漂移不稳定性的增长率和饱和时相应的反常电阻,计算表明,当磁层顶厚度接近两个质子迴旋半径时,低混杂漂移不稳定性的增长率约为0.26ωLH(ωLH为低混杂频率),反常电阻率为10-5sec,随着磁层顶厚度成倍增加,反常电阻率以指数形式下降。This paper discussed the lower-hybrid-drift instability in a simple magnetopause structure in which tbe charge separation electric field is completely neutralized and the total pressure is a constant. The magnetic field directions are assumed to be parallel each other crossing the magnetic boundary. The equilibrium distribution functions presented by W. Alpers is used to calculate the growth rate of the LHD instability and the field energy density. The anomalous resistivity is also evaluated. If the thickness of the magnetopause is near two Larmor radius of thermal ions, the instability growth rate is 0.26 ωLH (ωLH is the lower hybrid frequency) and the anomolous resistivity is 10-5 sec. As the thickness increases, the growth rate and the anomalous resistivity decrease rapidly.
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