本文计算了双星的辐射阻尼。按照广义相对论,在广义坐标变换下,星体的运动方程中出现的力是与坐标的选择有关的。不同坐标条件将原则上导致不同的阻尼力。现在人们已经成功地观察到双星辐射阻尼效应。这表明应该找出一个物理的坐标系。在这个坐标系中算出的阻尼力等于观察到的值。我们提出下面物理条件代替通常的坐标条件。这个条件就是不存在时间方向和纵向极化的引力波。这个条件在所要求的近似下决定了我们认为是物理的坐标系。在这个坐标系中得出双星公转周期p的变化为P=-6.5×10-12(m1m2)/M⊙2((m1+m2)/m⊙)-1/3。According to the general theory of relativity, The force is not an covariant quantity under general coordinate transformations. Different coordinate conditions will lead to different damping forces. It will be convenent to find out the physical coordinate system in which the calculated value of the damping effect is the same as or nearest to that observed on earth. We expect that this physical coordinate system should be free from spurious non-transverse gravitational waves at infinity. In this coordinates the change of orbital period P due to emission of gravitational waves is given by P=-6.5×10-12(m1m2)/M⊙2((m1+m2)/m⊙)-1/3.
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