铝-铜-镓三元系合金相图的室温截面已经用X射线方法测定出来了。室温固相截面包含11个单相(即α, γ2, γ′, δ, ζ1, ζ2, η2, θ, θ′,α铝和镓)相区,14个双相(即α + ζ1, α+ γ2, α + γ′, γ2 + γ′, γ′+ ζ1, γ2+δ, γ′+δ,δ +ζ2, ζ2+η2, η2+θ,η2+ θ′, γ′ + θ′, θ′+ 镓和θ+α铝)相区和9个三相(即α + γ′+ζ1, α+ γ2+ γ′, γ2+ γ′ + δ,γ′ + δ + θ′, δ+ζ2+θ′, ζ2 + η2 + θ′, η2+ θ′ + 镓, η2 +θ + 镓和θ +镓+ α铝)相区。所有单相和三个二元系内室温存在的单相相同,没有新相出现。A phase diagram of the alloys of the Al-Cu-Ga ternary system has been determined by using X-ray analysis.The isothermal section at room temperature was found to consist of eleven single-phase regions (i.e. α, γ2, γ′, δ, ζ1, ζ2, η2, θ, θ′,αA1 and Ga), fourteen two-phase regions (i. e.α + ζ1, α+ γ2, α + γ′, γ2 + γ′, γ′+ ζ1, γ2+δ, γ′+δ,δ +ζ2, ζ2+η2, η2+θ,η2+ θ′, γ′ + θ′, θ′+ Ga, and θ + αA1); and nine three-phase regions (i. e. α + γ′+ζ1, α+ γ2+ γ′, γ2+ γ′ + δ,γ′ + δ + θ′, δ+ζ2+θ′, ζ2 + η2 + θ′, η2+ θ′ + Ga, η2 +θ + Ga and θ + Ga + αA1). No new phase has been observed in this system.
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