光束分离器是一个具有广泛应用的线性光学器件,它在非经典量子态特别是纠缠态的制备中具有重要作用.基于单个光束分离器的表象表示,本文进一步考察多个级联光束分离器的纠缠特性,特别是结合有序算符内的积分技术推导了级联光束分离器的正规乘积、紧指数表示及级联算符的表象表示.作为应用,本文利用两个级联光束分离器获得了量子力学表象及其Schmidt分解,并结合量子条件测量制备了qubit态的叠加态.本文的研究方法已被直接推广至多个光束分离器级联情况,相关研究内容为多模纠缠态、多模qubit态的制备提供了一种有效的途径,且为由光束分离器组成的线性器件系统总作用的算符正规乘积及其紧指数表示提供了一般方法.Beam splitter,as a kind of linear optics instruments,has many applications such as in quantum optics and quantum information,including the preparation of nonclassical quantum states and entangled state representation.In Heisenberg picture,on the one hand,the relation of input-output of beam splitter can be easily obtained.Especially for the multicascaded beam-splitters,the input-output relation can also be directly obtained by the input-output relation of single beam splitter.On the other hand,we often need to calculate the probabilities of detecting photon number in many cases,thus we need to turn into Schrdinger picture for simplifying our calculation.Based on the equivalence between both pictures,the relation between transformation matrixes connecting these two pictures is derived.That is to say, the transform matrix corresponding to the Schrdinger picture can be obtained by transposing the transform matrix in Heisenberg picture.This concise relation constructs a bridge connecting two pictures and simplifies our calculation in the Schrdinger picture rather than step by step.Using the relation between transform matrixes of both pictures and combining the technique of integration within ordered product of operator,we further consider the coordination representation,normally ordering form and exponential expression of single beam-splitter.Then we further examine the coordination representation,normally ordering form and exponential expression of two-cascaded beam-splitters.As a generalization,the method is extended to the case of multi-cascaded beam-splitters.These investigations provide an effective way to prepare multi-mode entangled states and qubit states.In addition,a general method is shown of obtaining the total operator and its normally ordering form as well as Schmidt decomposition of the linear systems consisting of beam-splitters.As applications,2-cascaded beam-splitters is used to generate a new quantum mechanics representation and prepare the qubit states with the help of conditional measurement.The Schmidt decomposition of three-mode entangled state representation can be directly obtained by the coordination representation of 2-cascaded beam-splitters,which shows the property of entanglement.In addition,based on this representation we can clearly see that when the input states of first beam splitter are two coordinate states,the output states cannot be entangled.This implies that although the coordinate states are nonclassical,the entangled state can not be prepared either.The new proposed quantum mechanics representation will be further used to investigate the optical transformations,including wavelet transformation,Fourier transform,fractional Fourier transform,et al.Therelevant discussion will be our aim in the future research.
- multi-cascaded beam-splitter /
- entangled state representation /
- technique of integration within ordered product of operator /
- Schmidt decomposition
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[1] Fan H Y, Klauder J R 1994 Phys. Rev. A 49 704
[2] Fan H Y, Chen J H 2015 Front. Phys. 10 1
[3] Fan H Y, Chen J H, Zhang P F 2015 Front. Phys. 10 187
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[6] Hu L Y, Fan H Y 2009 Opt. Commun. 282 4379
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[13] Gong L H, Song H C, He C S, Liu Y, Zhou N R 2014 Phys. Scripta 89 035101
[14] Bartley T J, Crowley P J D, Datta A, Nunn J, Zhang L, Walmsley I 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 022313
[15] DellAnno F, de Siena S, Illuminati F 2006 Phys. Rep. 428 53
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[17] Hu L Y, Liao Z Y, Zuabiry M S 2017 Phys. Rev. A 95 012310
[18] Ye W, Zhang K Z, Zhang H L, Xu X X, Hu L Y 2018 Laser Phys. Lett. 15 025204
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[20] Joo J, Munro W J, Spiller T P 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 083601
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[29] Jia F, Xu X X, Liu C J, Huang J H, Hu L Y, Fan H Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 220301 (in Chinese) [贾芳, 徐学翔, 刘寸金, 黄接辉, 胡利云, 范洪义 2014 63 220301]
[30] Skaar J, Garca Escartn J C, Landro H 2004 Am. J. Phys. 72 1385
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[32] Odemir S K, Miranowicz A, Koashi M, Imoto N 2001 Phys. Rev. A 64 063818
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