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陈天江 周文超 王锋 黄德权 鲁燕华 张建柱



陈天江, 周文超, 王锋, 黄德权, 鲁燕华, 张建柱

Experimental research on focusing anisoplanatism of sodium guide star via synchronous pulse detection

Chen Tian-Jiang, Zhou Wen-Chao, Wang Feng, Huang De-Quan, Lu Yan-Hua, Zhang Jian-Zhu
  • 本文提出在大气Greenwood时间常数内采用同步探测技术实现钠导星聚焦非等晕性测量, 开展了脉冲体制钠导星探测实验, 实现了对大气平流层顶端钠导星和同路径自然星可见光波段的哈特曼点阵的同步探测, 并获得钠导星回光单帧波面, 从波面一致性对比、Zernike系数比较、模拟成像校正等方面对实验结果进行较全面分析. 实验结果表明, 在当前实验条件下, 虽然脉冲钠导星的单帧哈特曼点阵的成像对比度较低, 制约了波面恢复精度, 但同步测量的两组波面始终能保持相似性, 其Zernike系数在前36阶一致性较好, 模拟结果表明钠导星探测波面有助于实现对自然星成像的有效校正, 扣除波面恢复误差后的聚焦非等晕性方差小于0.1 rad2, 十分接近理论结果.
    No reports of measuring the focusing anisoplanatism of laser guide star were mentioned before because the guide star instantaneous wavefront measurement technique by using sodium is not mature. As directly verifying the confidence of artificial sodium guide star which takes the place of the natural star to become the reference of atmosphere adaptive optic correction, in this paper a new method is put forward that the focusing anisoplanatic error of sodium guide star can be measured via synchronous pulse detection if the atmosphere Greenwood time is constant. Results of correlation analysis show that it is feasible to establish an experimental system for the measurement. A high-precision wavelength and linewidth sodium guide star laser and a 1.3 m caliber telescope underly the experimental system for the technology research on the focus anisoplanatism. Experiment of detecting sodium guide star has been carried out. And synchronous detection about the returning light matrix of visible light of sodium and the natural star is achieved when both are in a coincident imaging path. In the experiment, the recovered single frame wavefront of sodium guide star is acquired, and experimental data analysis is carried out in several aspects: contrasting the coherence of the two types of wavefront images, comparing the Zernike coefficients, and simulating the imaging calibration. Results show that the imaging contrast in the light matrix of the plused sodium guide star is poor because of the limited experimental condition so that the precision of the recovered wavefront is restricted, but the two groups of wavefronts the sodium guide star wavefront and the natural star wavefront always keep nice comparability, which we can see from the recoverd synchronous wavefront images. And the Zernike coefficients of both are close in the first 36 orders, which we deduce from the Zernike anisoplanatic error curves. Simulation result shows that the acquired sodium wavefront data would contribute to calibrate the far-field images of natural star in astronomical observation activities. And the measured results, below 0.1 rad2, while wiping off the wavefront recovering error are close to the theoretical result. Result shows also that the low SNR of sub aperture imaging restricts the wavefront recovery precision to some extent, but the effective atmospheric wavefront distorted information has been obtained by sodium guide star experiment and it can help to correct the natural star images.
    • 基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2013AAXXX1040)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2013AAXXX1040).

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    Ageorges N, Dainty C 2000 Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics for Astronomy (Berlin: Springer Netherlands) p23


    Zhou R Z, Yan J X, Yu X 1996 Adaptive optics (Beiing: National defence industry press) p328 (in Chinese) [周仁忠, 阎吉祥, 俞信 1996 自适应光学(北京: 国防工业出版社)第328页]


    Su Y, Wan M 2004 High energy laser System (Beijing: National defence industry press) p215(in Chinese) [苏毅, 万敏 2004 高能激光系统 (北京, 国防工业出版社)第215页]


    Gavel D 2008 Proceedings of SPIE 7015 70150J. 1


    Wang F, Ye Y D, Lu Y H, Yan H, He L, Liao Y 2010 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 22 1829(in Chinese) [王锋, 叶一东, 鲁燕华, 颜宏, 何丽, 廖原 2011 强激光与粒子束 22 1829]


    Liu J, Wang J L, Lv T Y, Sun J W, Dong L 2013 Scientia Sinaca 43 318(in Chinese) [刘杰, 王建立, 吕天宇, 孙敬伟, 董磊 2013 中国科学 43 318]


    Li F Q, Cheng X W, Yang Y, Yang G T, Wang J H, Dai Y, Song S L, Liu Y J, Lin X, Wu K J, Gong S S 2011 Scientia Sinaca 41 1261(in Chinese) [李发泉, 程学武, 杨勇, 杨国韬, 王继红, 戴阳, 宋沙磊, 刘迎杰, 林鑫, 武魁军, 龚顺生 2011 中国科学 41 1261]


    Wang F, Chen T J, Luo Z X, Lu Y H, Wan M, Peng B, Yin X Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 014208 (in Chinese) [王锋, 陈天江, 雒仲祥, 鲁燕华, 万敏, 彭博, 尹新启 2014 63 014208]


    Fried D L 1982 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 72 52


    Stone J, Hu P J, Mills S P 1994 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11 347


    Esposito S, Riccardi A 1996 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13 1916


    Zhang J Z, Zhang F Z, Wu Y 2014 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 26 031017 (in Chinese) [张建柱, 张飞舟, 吴毅 2014 强激光与粒子束 26 031017]


    Greenwood D. P 1977 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 67 390


    Li X Y, Jiang W H, Wang C H, Xian H, Wu X B 2000 Acta Optica Sinica 20 1035 (in Chinese) [李新阳, 姜文汉, 王春红, 鲜浩, 吴旭斌 2000 光学学报 20 1035]


    Rao C H, Jiang W H, Ling Ning, Tang G M, Shen F, Zhang Xuejun, Tao H M 2001 Acta Optica Sinica 21 933 (in Chinese) [饶长辉, 姜文汉, 凌宁, 汤国茂, 沈锋, 张学军, 陶慧敏 2001 光学学报 21 933]


    Yan H, Luo Z X, Ye Y D, Xiang R J, Wang F, He L 2012 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 24 1335 (in Chinese) [颜宏, 雒仲祥, 叶一东, 向汝建, 王锋, 何丽 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 1335]

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-08-30
  • 修回日期:  2015-01-13
  • 刊出日期:  2015-07-05

