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王崇杰 刘媛媛 张博超 张倩妮 刘金艳 金鸽 张敏



王崇杰, 刘媛媛, 张博超, 张倩妮, 刘金艳, 金鸽, 张敏

Fuzzy identification of γ ray fingerprints based on adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system

Wang Chong-Jie, Liu Yuan-Yuan, Zhang Bo-Chao, Zhang Qian-Ni, Liu Jin-Yan, Jin Ge, Zhang Min
  • 提出了以自适应网络模糊推理系统参数为识别特征的γ能谱指纹模糊识别方法. 通过建模和仿真,提取了γ能谱指纹的模糊系统特征参数,并建立了关于系统特征参数的模糊集及模糊识别原则,以较高的置信度实现了γ能谱指纹的类型识别和个体识别. 对实测γ 能谱指纹进行了识别,对方法的识别性能进行了研究和探讨. 研究表明,该方法不但具有较强的类型识别能力和个体识别能力,并具有较低的识别下限和较强的抗噪声能力.
    An identification method of γ-ray fingerprints based on adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system is brought forward. By setting up model and performing simulation, the parameters of the system relevant to the γ-ray fingerprints are extracted as the identification features. The two-dimensional fuzzy set about the identification features is put forward, and the fundamental principle for identification is established. The types and the individuals of nuclear materials are identified successfully with high degree of confidence. The simulation materials as radiation sources are identified with the method, and the performance of the method is studied and discussed. The results show that the method has not only strong capabilities for identifying the types and the individuals of the radiation sources, but also strong de-noising capability and low identification limit, and it can be applied to the nuclear materials safeguard.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:51101080,E011002)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51101080, E011002).

    Liu S P, Wu H L, Gu D C, Gong J, Hao F H, Hu G C 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 2411 (in Chinese)[刘素萍, 伍怀龙, 古当长, 龚建, 郝樊华, 胡广春 2002 51 2411]


    Wang C J, Bao D M, Cheng S, Zhang A L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5361 (in Chinese)[王崇杰, 包东敏, 程松, 张爱莲 2008 57 5361]


    Hao F H, Hu G C, Liu S P, Gong J, Xiang Y C, Huang R L, Shi X M, Wu J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3523 (in Chinese)[郝樊华, 胡广春, 刘素萍, 龚建, 向永春, 黄瑞良, 师学明, 伍钧 2005 54 3523]


    Liu C A, Wu J 2007 An Introduction of Verification Technology og Nuclear Arms Control (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp40-58 (in Chinese) [刘成安, 伍钧 2007 核军备控制核查技术概论 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第40–58页]


    Tian D F, Gong J, Wu J, Hu S D 2005 The Techniques of Detecting and Analyzing the Characteristics of γ Ray from Nuclear Material (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp40-170 (in Chinese) [田东风, 龚建, 伍钧, 胡思得 2005 核材料γ 特征谱的探测和分析技术 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第40–170页]


    Wang B, Zhang S B, Wu J 2008 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 25 362 (in Chinese) [王冰, 张松柏, 伍钧 2008 原子核物理评论 25 362]


    Ren L X, Liu Z G, Quan K B, Liu S P, Hu Y B 2011 J. Southwest Univ. Sci. Technol. 26 54 (in Chinese) [任立学, 刘知贵, 全开波, 刘素萍, 胡永波 2011 西南科技大学学报 26 54]


    Wang C J, Zhang A L 2003 Spectrosc. Spectral Anal. 23 1028 (in Chinese) [王崇杰, 张爱莲 2003 光谱学与光谱分析 23 1028]


    Lou S T, Hu C H, Zhang W 2001 Analysis and Design of System Based on Matlab (Xi'an: Xi'an Electronic Sience & Technology University Press) pp110-122 (in Chinese) [楼顺天, 胡昌华, 张伟 2001 基于Matlab的系统分析与设计 (西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社) 第110–122页]


    Yao M 1999 Processing Technology of Fuzzy Information by Computer (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technological Documentation Press) pp73-100 (in Chinese) [姚敏 1999 计算机模糊信息处理技术 (上海: 上海科学技术文献出版社) 第73–100页]


    Liu S P, Gong J, Hu G C, Zhang J H 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3203 (in Chinese)[刘素萍, 龚建, 胡广春, 张剑华 2006 55 3203]

  • [1]

    Liu S P, Wu H L, Gu D C, Gong J, Hao F H, Hu G C 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 2411 (in Chinese)[刘素萍, 伍怀龙, 古当长, 龚建, 郝樊华, 胡广春 2002 51 2411]


    Wang C J, Bao D M, Cheng S, Zhang A L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5361 (in Chinese)[王崇杰, 包东敏, 程松, 张爱莲 2008 57 5361]


    Hao F H, Hu G C, Liu S P, Gong J, Xiang Y C, Huang R L, Shi X M, Wu J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3523 (in Chinese)[郝樊华, 胡广春, 刘素萍, 龚建, 向永春, 黄瑞良, 师学明, 伍钧 2005 54 3523]


    Liu C A, Wu J 2007 An Introduction of Verification Technology og Nuclear Arms Control (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp40-58 (in Chinese) [刘成安, 伍钧 2007 核军备控制核查技术概论 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第40–58页]


    Tian D F, Gong J, Wu J, Hu S D 2005 The Techniques of Detecting and Analyzing the Characteristics of γ Ray from Nuclear Material (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp40-170 (in Chinese) [田东风, 龚建, 伍钧, 胡思得 2005 核材料γ 特征谱的探测和分析技术 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第40–170页]


    Wang B, Zhang S B, Wu J 2008 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 25 362 (in Chinese) [王冰, 张松柏, 伍钧 2008 原子核物理评论 25 362]


    Ren L X, Liu Z G, Quan K B, Liu S P, Hu Y B 2011 J. Southwest Univ. Sci. Technol. 26 54 (in Chinese) [任立学, 刘知贵, 全开波, 刘素萍, 胡永波 2011 西南科技大学学报 26 54]


    Wang C J, Zhang A L 2003 Spectrosc. Spectral Anal. 23 1028 (in Chinese) [王崇杰, 张爱莲 2003 光谱学与光谱分析 23 1028]


    Lou S T, Hu C H, Zhang W 2001 Analysis and Design of System Based on Matlab (Xi'an: Xi'an Electronic Sience & Technology University Press) pp110-122 (in Chinese) [楼顺天, 胡昌华, 张伟 2001 基于Matlab的系统分析与设计 (西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社) 第110–122页]


    Yao M 1999 Processing Technology of Fuzzy Information by Computer (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technological Documentation Press) pp73-100 (in Chinese) [姚敏 1999 计算机模糊信息处理技术 (上海: 上海科学技术文献出版社) 第73–100页]


    Liu S P, Gong J, Hu G C, Zhang J H 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3203 (in Chinese)[刘素萍, 龚建, 胡广春, 张剑华 2006 55 3203]

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