Based on a tight-binding disordered model describing a single electron band, a model of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems with several chainsis established, and the direct current (dc) and alternating current (ac) conductance formula are obtained. By calculation, the dependence of the dc and ac conductivity on the disorder mode, dimension, temperature, and electric field is studied. The results indicate that the dc and ac conductivity of the systems decreases with the increase of the degree of lattices energy disorder, while the off-diagonal disorder can enhance the electrical conductivity of the system. Meanwhile, the conductivity increases with the increase of the number of chains in the systems. The model also quantitatively explains the temperature and electric field dependence of the conductivity of the system, that is, in diagonal disordered systems, the ac conductivity of the systems increases with the increasing of temperature, in off-diagonal disordered systems, the ac conductivity of the systems decreases with the increasing of temperature, while the dc conductivity of the systems in all disordered modes increases with the increasing of temperature. In addition, the dc conductivity of the quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems increases with the increasing of the strength of dc electric field, showing the non-Ohm’s law conductivity characteristics, and the larger the number of chains in systemis, the more slowly the dc conductivity of systems increases with the increasing electric field. The ac conductivity quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems increases as the frequency of the external electric field rises, satisfying the relation σac(ω)∝ω2[In(1/ω)]2.
- quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems /
- hopping conductivity /
- diagonal disorder /
- off-diagonal disorder
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[1] Anderson P W 1958 Phys. Rev. 109 1492
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[32] Ma S S, Xu H, Wang H Y, Guo R 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3591
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