针对微波散射计资料的海面风场反演,本文首先利用QuikSCAT卫星散射计的近实时资料,借助荷兰皇家气象学会的SeaWinds散射计数据处理模式,在不同风速和海域的情况下,采用多解方案结合二维变分同化方法进行风向的模糊去除,达到消除解的不唯一性的目的,且对4种反演结果(低速风、中速风、高速风和近海岸风)与美国国家海洋和大气管理局卫星资料中心的近实时风场数据的对比分析,说明了该技术的有效性.在此基础上,对反演得到的中速风场利用广义变分最佳分析方法进行了调整,调整后的风场结构有了进一步的改善.此方法可为我国散射计资料反演海面风场的研究提供新的思路和方法.multiple solution scheme, two dimensional variational assimilation, generalized variational optimization analysis, regularization method
- In order to retrieve sea surface wind field from microwave scatterometer data /
- the SDP(SeaWinds Data Processor) model produced by KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) was used to retrieve sea surface wind from near real time data of SeaWinds /
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[1] [1]Liu L M 2005 An Introduction to Satellite Oceanic Remote Sensing (Wuhan :Wuhan University Press) p245 (in Chinese) [刘良明 2005 卫星海洋遥感导论 (武汉:武汉大学出版社) 第245页]
[2] [2]Marcos P A 2002 Ph. D. Dissertation (Barcelona: University of Barcelona)
[3] [3]Chi C Y, Li F K 1988 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens. 26 115
[4] [4]Levy G, Brown R A 1986 J. Geophys. Res. 91 5153
[5] [5]Schultz H 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 5291
[6] [6]Lin M S, Sun Y, Zheng S Q 1997 Acta Oceanologica. Sin. 19 35 (in Chinese) [林明森、孙瀛、郑淑卿1997 海洋学报 19 35]
[7] [7]Long D G, Medel J M 1990 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens. 28 349
[8] [8]Lin M S 2000 J. Remote Sensing 4 61 (in Chinese) [林明森 2000 遥感学报 4 61]
[9] [9]Sasaki Y K 1970 Mon. Wea. Rev. 98 875
[10] ]Huang S X, Xu D H, Lan W R, Teng J J 2005 J. Hydrodynam. B 17 459
[11] ]Huang S X, Wu R S 2005 Mathematical and Physical Problems in Atmospheric Sciences (Version 2) (Beijing: Chinese Meteorological Press) p460 (in Chinese) [黄思训、伍荣生 2005 大气科学中的数学物理基础(第二版) (北京:气象出版社) 第460页]
[12] ]Huang S X, Cai Q F, Xiang J, Zhang M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3022 (in Chinese) [黄思训、蔡其发、项杰、张铭 2007 56 3022]
[13] ]Cao X Q, Huang S X, Du H D 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1984 (in Chinese) [曹小群、黄思训、杜华栋 2008 57 1984]
[14] ]Cai Q F, Huang S X, Gao S T, Zhong K, Li Z Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3912 (in Chinese) [蔡其发、黄思训、高守亭、钟科、李自强 2008 57 3912]
[15] ]Stoffelen A, Anderson D 1997 Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 123 491
[16] ]Tikhonov A N, Arsenin V Y 1997 Solutions of Ⅲ-Posed Problems (Winston VH,Sons :Washington DC Press)
[17] ]Kirsch A 1996 An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems (NewYork: Springer-Verlag)
[18] ]Huang S X, Han W, Wu R S 2004 Sci. China D 47 630 (in Chinese) [黄思训、韩威、伍荣生 2004 中国科学 D 47 630]
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