在小型拉力试验机上测量了几种铝铜和铝镁合金试样在拉伸形变过程中的低频内耗,观测到在内耗-应变曲线上出现一系列的跳跃现象。研究了测量温度和一些冶金因素对于这种跳跃现象的影响。实验结果指出,出现这种现象的温度范围与铝铜合金中出现台阶状或锯齿状应力-应变曲线的温度范围相对应。这表明,这种现象与在范性形变过程中所进行的应变时效过程有关,是由于位错气团在形变过程中的更迭形成和解脱所引起。Low frequency internal friction in the process of plastic deformation of Al-Cu and Al-Mg alloys was measured on a small tensile test machine and a series of internal friction jumps was observed on the internal friction-strain curve. A study was made on the effect of temperature of measurement and some metallurgical factors on these internal friction jumps. Experimental results showed that the range of the temperature of measurement within which these internal friction jumps appeared corresponds tc that for the appearance of the serrated stress-strain curves of aluminium-copper alloys. This indicates that these internal friction jumps on the internal friction-strain curves are associated with the process of strain aging occured in the process of plastic deformation, i.e., they are originated from the alternate anchoring of dislocations by atmospheres of solute atoms and their subsequent escaping in the course of plastic deformation.
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